What is the season that makes you happiest? My first response is usually Fall. But then Spring comes and every year, I’m blown away. It’s Spring. Hands down!
Month: February 2016
Chicken Curry Fruit Salad
Be Nice (A Little Advice)
A month or so ago my husband and I realized that we were no longer nice to one another.
22 *not so deep* thoughts
I don’t write because I think I’m interesting. I write because I like to read. I like to bring people together. I think that we are doing just that. Bringing women together to read and feel like they are connected to one another even if it’s on a screen. Read more
The Rich & Famous

I now take back all and any judgments I may have had in the past of the rich & famous paying people to do everything for them. That’s all I want right now, someone to do everything for me so I can just BE with my husband and kids. Read more
I’m 31…I think.

I’ve noticed something since I’ve had kids…I can’t remember S%^*! No joke, it’s bad. I’m pretty sure that my examples will make you feel better about yourself and you will realize that you do have it together because this chick has really lost it. If you read this and totally relate then please comment and let me know. Then let’s meet up, and drink about it! Read more
You may have heard the term YOLO, meaning “You only live once!” My husband and I heard it in a movie a while back and we jokingly say it to one another when we are about to do something stupid or adventurous.
Monday Mantra
Animal Instincts
One of my favorite things to do with my children is read with them. Maybe it’s because much of mothering is spent spinning around the house from task to task and reading really grounds me to the couch or bed or floor. Or maybe it’s because we so are close together, snuggled up in a blanket of happiness. Or maybe it’s because I’m learning things alongside my sweet cherubs. I think relaxing with my children without technology is just as important as exercising together! Read more
First World Problems
I’m laughing at a few first world problems I’ve overheard this week.