At the beginning of the year I picked a word. A word that would be the word of the year. I wanted more FOCUS. I picked something I NEEDED to work on. BADLY.
Month: May 2016
Interview with Jessi, on food, cooking, and mealtimes
About me:
I’ve been married to my husband for 10 years and we have three lovely and energetic kids together. I’m a stay-at-home mom with a Masters in Counseling, and I believe both influence my life greatly. I’m, above all else, a passionate woman and a joy-seeker and I truly try and live my life with intention. For me that means, allowing myself to be where I am (and who I am) while still striving to authentically improve as a person. I never want to become complacent about my life: as a mother,as a wife, as a woman.
Hungry and Eager
Our tagline is Hungry For More, Eager For Less. Gin dreamed it up and I loved it. In the shower tonight it got me thinking. Truly, what am I hungry for? Less? How has this changed in my adult life?
Interview with Angie~ Working it!
I am a MOTHER, FRIEND, REALTOR and LOVER to my soon to be hubby. I get excited about other people’s accomplishments, I LOVE LOVE LOVE humans and all their quirkiness. I’m quick to help and less quick to ask for it. Read more
Good moms. Guilty moms.

We are only human. We have basic needs and desires, too. But mom guilt is real! The guilt we put on ourselves is horrible and not right! So, we wanted to share the other side of motherhood. We have put together a list of some of our confessions…. We hope you laugh, relate and enjoy! You’re still a great mom if you…..
Interview with Cari on Work/Life Balance
Describe yourself~ I’m an older momma who has always been told she has to live her life one way – the happiest day of my life was when I decided I was going to live my life the way that intrinsically felt right to me. Read more
Mother’s Day
We decided to share some of our favorite parts about motherhood, with photos. There are many more things we love about being moms, but this is a good start. Please enjoy some of our grateful moments~ Read more
Interview with Ashley, on being a Single Mom
Who are you?
I am a single mom of 2 absolutely incredible little kids whom I love taking down to our travel trailer in Pismo Beach for days of just playing on the sand. We all enjoy playing pretty much anything outside and practicing our baseball skills. I am a real estate agent who loves my job and I’m not just a football fan, but a Packers fan for life.
What is your biggest strength as a mom?
Truly wanting to play and hang out with my kids. I know that there are times when the laptop and phone need to be put away, and a crazy game of tetherball needs to take place.
How do you spend your time away from your children?
If only I could hit the pause button.

Today I fed my 6 month baby boy solids for the first time. Just writing this brings tears to my eyes. He is ready for solids, but I am not. I’m not ready to share him. I love that I am all he needs to be happy and healthy. For 9 months he thrived in my body and then for 6 months he thrived off of the milk my body provided for him. It’s beautifully amazing. Read more