Month: June 2016
Interview with Mandy~ SAHM Working Overtime

Interview with Amanda on Home Organizing
Meet Mama Amanda
Who are you?
Amanda Lavallee – Kaleb’s mommy – Organizer365
What is your biggest strength as a mom?
My number one thing I try to focus on with my son is to give him the love, space, and encouragement to be himself. I have stepped back to watch my son’s temperament, likes, dislikes, frustrations, weaknesses, strengths, abilities, choices – you get the idea. I want to be the woman he’s proud to call his mom and to do that I am choosing to build him up and give him the tools to be even more than he could imagine himself being. I continue to see his natural gifts and talents and will encourage him like his own personal life coach. I believe in choosing your feelings/thoughts/responses and I have been working to teach Kaleb so he can overcome obstacles as they come in life. I guess you could say my strength is being able to let go of the outcomes I want from my son. This can be hard because I’m the mom/boss/bigger/adult, and want to control him and his actions because I could play that card if I wanted to. Instead, I’m working on controlling myself and respecting him so he can blossom.
How do you love to spend your time away from your children?
The Mad Ones

I remember when, I remember I remember when I lost my mind. There was something so pleasant about that place. Even when your emotions have an echo in so much space…
Interview with Tamara on Placenta Encapsulation.
Meet Tamara, the Placenta Mom!!
Who are you?
I strive to be a good wife, momma, friend, and member of society, but acknowledge that I am not perfect and neither is the rest of the world. I try my best and remember to breathe deep along the way. My husband and I have been married since 2000 and he is everything I ever wanted in a partner. We are best friends and soul mates, which I know sounds all too clique, but if you know us you know it is true. Together we have two bambinas who make our family happily complete & keep us on our toes with their antics and unbridled creativity and humor. Outside of family, placenta encapsulation is my passion and I consider myself so lucky to be able to serve the local greater Sacramento, CA area community as ‘The Placenta Mom’.
I cried on the last day of school
Interview with Erika, A New Mom
Describe yourself~
I am a proud wife of a Naval Officer. A daughter to two amazing, strong, loving parents. A sister to four beautiful, smart, incredible women. A friend to some selfless, caring, involved individuals who know who they are. Most recently and I have to say probably my new favorite role in life, is… I am a MOM! to a perfect, healthy, smiley, wide-eyed little boy that stole my heart the moment he was placed in my arms. All of these people make me who I am as an individual, and for them I am forever grateful.