I am creative and emotional stay-at-home mom of three incredibly energetic, spirited, smart, and happy kids. I love cooking, knitting, reading, and seeking inspiration in everything I see. I often feel that coffee sustains me, and I could live off of Thai food if the opportunity arose 😉 Read more
Month: November 2016
Not as Expected~ Interview with Mandy
Meet Mandy
My name is Mandy and I gave birth to my first child summer of ’15. River Devere entered our hearts the day before fourth of July. He is definitely our little fire cracker. It was a huge surprise considering he wasn’t supposed to make his grand entrance until August 17th! Read more
Book Report- Childhood Disrupted
My mind is blown after reading Childhood Disrupted: How your biography becomes your biology, and how you can heal. I’ve been working with adults in a counseling setting for 8 years, but over the last 3 years working with pediatrics as well… So, have you heard of the ACE score? Read more
Flow at Forty~ Meet Mama Amy
I am a creative, sensitive, quiet soul who has never opened a Facebook account and once finding out I could complete this interview anonymously, seriously considered doing so. I love anything embroidered, I save too many tea bag quotes, and I can’t stop myself from dancing to Groove is in the Heart by Deee-Lite. Read more
~Miracle Baby~Interview with Hannah on having a preemie.
~Meet Mama Hannah~
Who are you?
I am a caring loving wife and mother. I am an aspiring Doula and looking forward to helping other mommies bring their own miracles into the world. My first daughter was born full term and is turning into quite the little diva. My youngest child was born a little over 2 months premature and has defied all odds since. My husband is a member of the Law Enforcement community and works very hard providing for our family. He is my best friend. Read more