Have you ever been in an energy crisis before? I hadn’t… until last week! A virus had half our family down and I just. Couldn’t.
My Reality
Gin & I got off task the other night during a business meeting. (DID YOU KNOW WE ARE IN BUSINESS??! More on that later!). We were talking about why we were so tired. Gin has a legit reason to crave those zzz’s- a sweet boy waking every 2-3 hours! Read more
The Japanese Maple
The Japanese Maple
A kindred soul, one of the most beautiful people you would ever meet, gifted me a gorgeous Japanese Maple for my shower gift when my son was about to be born, over 6 years ago.
This thoughtful gift was right up my alley. No amount of diapers would have been as cool as this gift.
The need for nothing.
As I sip on my delightful glass of wine, exhausted and overwhelmed with life, I start to realize the majority of things I am exhausted and overwhelmed by I have totally brought on myself. I’m not talking about the givens like..work, care for my children, feed the family, pay bills, and keep a somewhat put together house (I’m really bad at that last part). It’s the extra, not necessary stuff I keep adding to my plate. That first world problem kinda crap. Projects, remodels, new business, gymnastics lessons, special events, etc. Read more
Barnacle Baby
I’m pretty sure my son thinks the ground is hot lava. We’re on day “who the hell knows” of “don’t you dare set me down Mom!”. While my arms are looking pretty toned now, my exhaustion is on the rise.
My teething mama’s boy, who is entering the separation anxiety stage of infant life, makes for a stage five clinger barnacle baby. So my days are filled with a mix of the following: Read more
Something’s Gotta Give
Life is good. Life is full. We work. We play. It all needs to happen. But then we need to give more. And more. What gives? Something has to give.
The Mad Ones

I remember when, I remember I remember when I lost my mind. There was something so pleasant about that place. Even when your emotions have an echo in so much space…
I cried on the last day of school
How to Focus: Update
At the beginning of the year I picked a word. A word that would be the word of the year. I wanted more FOCUS. I picked something I NEEDED to work on. BADLY.
Good moms. Guilty moms.

We are only human. We have basic needs and desires, too. But mom guilt is real! The guilt we put on ourselves is horrible and not right! So, we wanted to share the other side of motherhood. We have put together a list of some of our confessions…. We hope you laugh, relate and enjoy! You’re still a great mom if you…..