If you ask me any of the following it is likely that I either won’t know the answer or it will take me far too long to remember the answer to these simple questions:
What’s your address? (Hmm, I should know this. Give me a sec. Crap. I really can’t remember. Let me text my husband.)
What’s your anniversary? ( It’s in July. The 30th or 31st. Wait, does July have 31 days?)
What’s your husband’s phone number? (One sec, I need to look it up in my phone.)
What’s your last home address? (Crap again! How am I supposed to remember that? I don’t live there anymore. But I still own the place….Ugh.)
I bet you’re feeling pretty good about yourself at this point. Oh shut up!
How old is your husband? ( I think 32…or 33..What year was he born they ask….um, 1983 or 82. I can’t remember.)
Where did you go in Bali? (To Bali…all over. It was amazing!)
How many weeks is your baby? (3 months. I don’t do weeks with kid number 2.)
And the biggest kicker is….
How old are you? (Holy S%^*, I can’t remember!!!)
No Joke! I forget all the time. The most basic piece of information that we should all know about ourselves and I can’t remember half the time. I asked my husband the other day..Honey, how old am I? Seriously?! He says. You’re 32. Oh ya. I totally forgot. Then he says..I was kidding! Your 31. CRAP!!! What is wrong with me?! Give it to me straight people, am I alone in this? Is this two kid mom brain? Should I be making an appointment with a doctor at this point? My genius 2 year old knows my age and my husband’s. So there’s that… Hey, I remembered my kid is two!