I’m a playful yet practical, outspoken yet introspective, courageous yet cautious gal who loves making things with my hands, planning parties, playing strategy games and drinking red wine (preferably a good Malbec). Read more
Clean eating tips

Have you done the Whole 30? I really love the Whole 30 and in my practice it is not only a wonderful starting point but also the treatment plan for many ailments. What is it? It is where major food groups are eliminated, and then reintroduced later. There are many reasons why an elimination plan is indicated. Oftentimes clients are starting an elimination due to GI ailments: constipation, allergies, leaky gut, bacterial overgrowth or imbalance, others just want to feel better and/or try something new. The main goal here is to “eat cleaner,” meaning more alive foods, fruits/vegetables, nuts/seeds, fats, and less (or no) foods from packages. Read more
Interview with Rebekah~ Teach your children well
Meet Rebekah~
I am a quirky, tree hugging, beautiful hot mess, mother of 4 busy kids aged 16 -2 years old. I am a business owner, healthcare worker and wife. So balance is something I strive for daily. I find involving my kids in almost everything I do not only teaches them but I also get to spend quality time. We are learning together the fundamentals of life.
My biggest strength as a mom is not caring what people think of my parenting style.
When I am not with my kids I enjoy trying to work on myself. Whether a Piyo session or cooking class or 10 minutes in my bedroom to meditate.
Interview~ Teach your children well
You mentioned that learning the basics with your kids was something you are very passionate about. What got you started on this journey, or did it just happen out of necessity?
The more I researched what is in our foods and products we use, I started to see a correlation in our declining health. I wanted to know as much as possible where my food was coming from and I came to the realization that I would have to do the majority of the steps myself. My husband and kids built some garden boxes and we started with broccoli and cauliflower. From there I wanted to know the different processes of preparing food to make it most beneficial for our bodies. I have also been able to replace our chemical filled cleaning products with natural things. It’s fascinating to find that the plants you took for granted in your back yard have so many great uses.
What are some of the most memorable things your parents taught you growing up? Did you learn other skills from other adults in your life?
The most memorable thing my parents taught me was to do what is right despite what others say or do. My mom is truly my best friend. She continues to teach me how to not only be a better mother but a better person. My dad always makes sure my mom knows he loves her. It is very powerful for a daughter to see.
I learned how to genuinely treat people with kindness and respect no matter who they were from my Grandpa Craig. This lesson I try to instill in my children every day.
What are some of the basics you’ve ventured into with your children?
Baking is our big focus lately. My family loves to eat and I want to find delicious and healthy flavors to encourage a love for real foods. It’s hard to find a recipe that doesn’t include sugar and still taste sweet.
Growing up we always had a tomato garden and it was the one thing that carried over into my adulthood. I never was able to do a full garden but always had one cherry tomato plant in a planter so the kids would have something they could go pick themselves. It warms my heart to see my kids enjoy the simple pleasure of picking their own food.
We have tons of blackberry bushes on our property and every year we all look forward to picking them. We have some recipes saved for jams and pies we are going to try next summer.
Have you seen more growth or independence emerge in your children from these alongside lessons?
Yes, I have noticed a definite independence emerging. The 3 older kids don’t come to me when they are hungry now, they will go to the cupboards and make something themselves. They come and ask if I need help any time they see me pulling things out in the kitchen.
I’ll call that a major WIN!! What do you plan to tackle next?
Finding and connecting with our true selves. Learning to control our thoughts, actions and emotions despite what might be going on in the outside world.
My website is www.reba483.nerium.com
Instagram is www.instagram.com/reba_nerium
Thank you for this opportunity 🙂
Reba, you are a light in the world, and we are so thrilled to hear about your family, which sounds like a solid team unit! I’ll bet that broccoli is good and ready right about now!
Interview with Chelsea on being an RD
Where did your love for food and good nutrition begin? Have you always been health conscious? Growing up my mom was always eating healthy, or on a diet in some way. We had a lot of non-fat products around, and we always had fresh fruit available for snacks. That being said, my dad would pick me up from school every now and then with a ho-ho in the console and I would sometimes down a bag of microwave popcorn after school most days in junior high. My mom always exercised, though. Almost every day. And she still does. I have always been health conscious for sure!
On a run… her happy place!
Cupcake Recipe- You’re Welcome!
Back to School- Single Mom Style: Interview with Amy
Interview with Melissa~ Food as Medicine
Meet Melissa~
I am a easy going mom of two, who loves cooking, animals, and being outside with my kids. I am married to my amazing husband Justin Anderson who runs our company Anderson Pacific Builders, Inc. We have been married 6 years. We have two kids Cole (4 years old) and Cailin (1 year old), 1 dog Otis, 2 horses Ella and Percy, 1 cat Cleo, and last but not least 15 crazy chickens. Read more
Interview with Wynter on Entertaining
Meet Wynter
I am a mom of three girls who still loves to snuggle and read to them each night. I have been married for almost 16 years and am primarily a mom, although I occasionally work per diem as an RN. Time spent away from the girls is usually visiting with family or exercising in some way or another with friends.
How to Focus: Update
At the beginning of the year I picked a word. A word that would be the word of the year. I wanted more FOCUS. I picked something I NEEDED to work on. BADLY.
Interview with Jessi, on food, cooking, and mealtimes
About me:
I’ve been married to my husband for 10 years and we have three lovely and energetic kids together. I’m a stay-at-home mom with a Masters in Counseling, and I believe both influence my life greatly. I’m, above all else, a passionate woman and a joy-seeker and I truly try and live my life with intention. For me that means, allowing myself to be where I am (and who I am) while still striving to authentically improve as a person. I never want to become complacent about my life: as a mother,as a wife, as a woman.