Meet Lacey~ a doula and a sex, love & relationship coach for postpartum women and couples struggling with their relationships after having kids.
Meet Tamara, the Placenta Mom!!
Who are you?
I strive to be a good wife, momma, friend, and member of society, but acknowledge that I am not perfect and neither is the rest of the world. I try my best and remember to breathe deep along the way. My husband and I have been married since 2000 and he is everything I ever wanted in a partner. We are best friends and soul mates, which I know sounds all too clique, but if you know us you know it is true. Together we have two bambinas who make our family happily complete & keep us on our toes with their antics and unbridled creativity and humor. Outside of family, placenta encapsulation is my passion and I consider myself so lucky to be able to serve the local greater Sacramento, CA area community as ‘The Placenta Mom’.