My name is Kristy Romney. I am a 32 years old and new to the world of being a stay at home mom. I used to be a store manager of one of northern California’s busiest drive thru stores for the past 5 years until last year when I was given the opportunity to be a stay at home mom and run my own business with Rodan+Fields skincare company.
Interview with Lacey- A Doula~ and a Sex, Love, & Relationship Coach
Back to School- Single Mom Style: Interview with Amy
I am a strong, single momma bear of two wonderful children. My Gwendolyn is 9 going on 21 and my awesome moto man Brody is 8. We love to adventure and it’s always together.
Blessed, burned out, but on the up! Interview with Amanda
Meet Amanda~
I am creative and emotional stay-at-home mom of three incredibly energetic, spirited, smart, and happy kids. I love cooking, knitting, reading, and seeking inspiration in everything I see. I often feel that coffee sustains me, and I could live off of Thai food if the opportunity arose 😉 Read more